Membership FAQ

Since we moved into the new phase of CPP as CPP Community Theatre Inc and no longer Croydon Parish Players a the end of 2019, as a new entity and with a constitution based around the model rules, there are a few changes in terms of how your membership works.

So, in light of this, we thought it might be helpful to address some commonly asked questions here.

Question 1: When does membership expire?

Answer: At the end of the financial year (June 30th). Since CPP is now going to be operating in line with the financial year. This makes a lot of sense on many levels in keeping with the model rules, and giving members plenty of time to organize their membership payments prior to the AGM in November. So for a specific example, it means that all the people signing up for the musical this year will have a whole 12 months before they need to renew their membership at the end of the following financial year. 

Question 2: How am I eligible to vote at the AGM?

Answer: You must be over 15 and an active or life member of CPP Community Theatre in order to be eligble to vote at our AGM or any other special meetings that may be called. It is important to note that any new members, or those who are returning after resigning (see question 3) must have their membership officially recognized by the committee more than 10 days prior to the AGM. So, if you are new or returning after an absence to CPP please make sure you have your membership organized well in advance of the AGM if you wish to be able to vote. For the best time to renew membership see question 4. 

Question 3: What happens if I decide not to renew my membership for this coming year?

Answer: At the end of the financial year (June 30th) your membership automatically becomes ‘suspended’ as per the constitution, awaiting renewal of your membership. Once paid your membership will become ‘active’ again for the remainder of that new financial year.

If you do not at any point renew your membership that following year, you will then automatically resign your membership the following financial year and you will need to re-register as a member when you wish to sign up again. This only really affects people who have been away from the group for a while and wish to vote at the AGM, as they need to make sure they do so with plenty of notice (see Question 2). Those who are returning to be part of the musical would have had their membership processed well prior to the AGM.

Question 4: So when is the best time to renew my membership?

Answer: At the start of the new financial year. This has many perks as it enables your membership to stay active seamlessly across the financial year and allows us, as an organization, to know generally how many people we have as regular members annually. Also, you will be well sorted for voting in the AGM coming later in the year.